10% Off for Taupo Locals

We are so excited to offer this discount for the first time – Taupo locals now receive 10% off the skydive price! You’ve seen parachutes in the sky above Taupo for years, now it’s time to experience the thrill of skydiving yourself. Lucky you to live right beside NZ’s number one rated drop zone!

Book online and select Skydive Reservation, and when you pay at the drop zone we’ll apply your discount. Just bring proof of your Taupo address to the drop zone, along with a current matching ID.

We can’t wait to have you skydive with us!

*Not valid on the 9,000 ft jump. Direct bookings only. Valid proof of address: TDC rates bill, bank statement, recent utility bills. All must feature your address and be dated within the last 12 months.

Two tandem customers and a tandem master in jumpsuits, all excited for their skydive!

Book your spot now!



If you’re going to throw yourself out of a plane anywhere make sure you do it in Taupo and do it with TTS!!!

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